You would think since I have been sewing for quite some time and can make a corset that I would be really good at clothing....alas, not yet. Especially when it comes to fitting myself and altering patterns.
I took the first step (or 2 or 3) and now I am hungry for more.
Pic time.....
Made two little dresses for Africa.
I followed the directions on Nancy's Notions
First step.....
maxi skirt made out of preruffled fabric with a yoga waistband....thank you pinterest
Steps 2 and 3.......
Made a full bust adjustment
Added a dart where there wasn't and took a little width out of the upper chest
As you can see, it took me a little bit of trial and error.
Practice, practice, practice
The one on top (smaller) is the before, the bottom is the after
The before showed WAY too much belly for me to
The after is a comfy fit, the side seams hang straight and the side length matched and everything........AWESOME!!!
A few tweaks:
the bust dart needs to be lowered about a .5". I may leave it as is....
the dart "legs" need to be shortened about 1.5"....need
Things get a little wide when you do a FBA, so I will tweak on the "good" fabric
I just may have a plaid linen Eva Dress before the week is out!! EEEE
Also, Polly's quilt camp is this week and I think I am going to try my hand at a disappearing hourglass.

Now to get my hand on a solid layer cake or cut a bunch of 10" background squares..........