Friday, October 1, 2010

Fashion Forward, I am sooooooo not ............................anymore

     I was pretty good about fashion in the 70/80's, but after me wearing my ''mom uniform'' for so long and being, well let's face it, a round woman, I forgot how to be cute. Being little bit too lazy to make the effort in the larger sizes didn't help and the fact that sooooooo much over the last 5 or 6 years  (butt-ugly, urban inspired 'chic') has left me feeling apathetic toward more than jeans and a cute t-shirt.
     My goal for the coming year is to make myself a few garments that fit really well that are basic pieces. Khakis and a few button-up shirts(shaped and cute, not lansend, men;s inspired) and a basic dress that can be worn over slim pants or "as is" and relearn how to accessorize.
     Mark, you still totally have you eye in the fashion world, so you will have to be my "Tim Gunn" . I know you aren't afraid to tell me if I am wear something that is ''some serious ugly".

  On that note, my choices for this weekend are:

For tonight's bbq with the girls. Probably a white sandal instead.And a plain bra, not the fuchsia one showing through.

For reunion: The classics:  black trouser with a jewel toned orange shirt or the not so little black dress.

I made this dress several years ago and it still fits. Thought about changing the sleeve out, but I have a thing for 3/4 sleeves. It does look better with the right camera angle and ten less pounds in the belly. LOL
   Yes, my legs are white.....get over it. I'll get some hose so I don't blind anyone....sheesh!
Hair? My lady is on vacation so my hair is too long to be cute so a french twist is high on my list of hair choices. Bummer, I am totally cute with my asymmetrical bob!!


  1. Well I don't know who this Bob guy is....but I think you'll be totally cute without him :) Have a wonderful time!

  2. What apron? I am wearing a skirt that my mother hated and my friend Donna, said with love, that i looked like Lucy in the grape stomping episode. I still like the skirt despite popular opinion.
