Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why is it always where you aren't looking?

    Yesterday, I spent far too much time looking for some drawings and measurements I made for my Fiesta! aprons.
     I am in Shawnee's Halloween Apron Swap and my swappee is a similar size to the lady I made the apron for and I wanted to use my drawings as a base for my apron.
    WWeeelllllllll, I looked high and low, up and down, in and out and everywhere in between. I recently cleaned, thinned and rearranged my whole desk area so I was dang sure I knew, just KNEW, where I had stashed my little white paper. I was wrong AND I was right.
     The paper is actually yellow and 5 x 7, not white binder paper. It's still attached to the pad I drew on, not loose. It has been sitting under another pad, are you ready for this? RIGHT ON MY DESK!! Hello!!!! Oh yeah, the part where I was right: I did save the paper. LOL
    I was getting ready to redraft everything and God said. "Gotcha!" Gotta love and hate that cosmic sense of humor, don'tcha?
     Paper in hand, fabric to cut!


  1. That's never happened to me.....must be just you :)

  2. i thought i made a mistake once, but i was mistaken ;)
