What will you that look like for you?
I just started a baby quilt last night.
I plan on sewing a little bit everyday; even if that means sewing only one seam or one tiny bit of embroidery or hand quilting, I am going to make it happen.
My last project was a lovely little ring pillow for a cute little pair of gamers.
Started Take A Stitch Tuesdays...first round of stitching complete
Life has just been being lived and blogging has taken a back seat.
Guess what, that's okay.
The hubs and I have vacationed, the grand dot has played, the sewing room is coming along but still has a ways to go. It's all good.
A short picture show.........
Did Summer #DOSummer2015
Started organizing my sewing room

A couple of virtual runs

Family fun with my mom and the granddot
underground gardens tour
Patched a nuu-muu
Went to the Evergreen Air and Space Museum
Snuck into the parked shuttle
Yep, I was a bbbaaadddddd girl LOL
Me and the hubs
wild blackberry pickin
I wonder what the 'Bers will bring?
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