Yes, by all means, take that kind of stand, but this post is all about the hoop stand.
I am, indeed, a hoop-er. I've tried hoopless, but my stitches are hopeless when I do. I've been on the hunt for something, anything, that could help me be hands-free for things like french knots and a few of the fancier stitches.
This is my current batch. All wonderful in their own special way. All pretty easy on the ol' checkbook (debt card) depending on where you purchase them and if you are lucky enough to have a coupon. I'm afraid I paid a bit too much for the lap stand. It did come with three hoops and I did shop local. I was so excited after I tried it out that I had to have it...right then, right there. If I had shopped around, I could've saved myself $30.00 bucks...maybe a little less.
My new baby. I just got it today from Michael's. Yes, I had a coupon. yes, they have better coupons every now and then, but I am not super patient.
I've seen this one on the WWW and it had really good reviews. The pros and price far outweighed the cons. $39.99 before any discounts and/tax.
That is a 14" hoop in there. Feels quite sturdy. Adjustable like crazy and even 360º turning.
I can't wait to try it out tonight.
My Elbesee lap and table stands.
The lap stand (fanny frame) came with three hoops on a stick. 6-8-10.5"
They will work in the table clamp (barrel clamp) as well. I also have the universal hoop holder on a stick for when I want to change things up or use a funky size.
I love them and they've worked quite well for the few months I've had them.
They are quite portable
Get yourself one of these little tools. It's for turning wingnuts.
Three words....
fab u lous
The box
The instructions are tiny and a little hard to make out, but it took me about 30 minutes or so and a few adjustments to get things in the right place. I put the plastic knobs where I thought I would use them the most. I am going to purchase a few metal washers to protect the wood from over tightening...that should cost a whole $1.00.
I give all of these items a big thumbs up. Especially the wing nut tool...seriously...I can't say enough good things about it.
There are more hoop stands out there. I've seen them as high as $250.00usd plus shipping. Most of them seem to be in the low 100's. Yes, they have a few more bells and whistles and some are metal and you can buy accessories to make your stitching life easier. (lights, chart holder, etc.) but if you are watching your pennies and don't mind having a little table nearby, this is a great choice.
yes, I did look at the other stands, saw one in was for the hoops on a stick. Lucky for me, they didn't have them yet or I would've over paid in my enthusiastic state. LOL I actually think this is going to work out better...more versatile, less money, not as cute, holds bigger/different hoops. yep, I think I made a frugal and wise purchase.
What kind of tools and/or gadgets do you use when you hoop up?
Do you even hoop?
Inquiring minds want to know. Until recently, I had no idea any of this even existed and I have been sewing for a long dang time. I learned from people sharing.