Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Technology Bites


I knew this day would come. I hoped it would be farther away than it is, but here we are.  OY and a half!

My old desktop, which works perfectly fine for what the hubs needs, is not supported by any browsers...any of them, any longer.

Just tried Firefox, which said it was supporting the platform until September....no freaking luck!

All that's left to do is, gasp, upgrade to windows 10.

I abhor upgrades - with a deep burning passion.

The backup, the time, the installation, the reinstallation of all the apps and data, the stuff that won't work with the new OS that needs upgrading, the expense, the headaches. It's not like a little seam ripper, it's like a seam chainsaw that leaves gaping holes.

What can you do? 

My son the techy will be busy. 

Yes, I can do it, I'm the one that started him on his tech journey, and I used to speak html, but I haven't had to practice in forever. Said computer is from 2010 and I bought this laptop at christmas time because I just knew, I jjjuuusssstttt knew, time would finally catch up with my legacy tech.

Here's hoping I can find a stable windows 10 and not kill my old computer and that my windows publisher will still work. The hubs prepares all his invoices on that program and it is super easy compared to word.

Wish me luck!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Tragedy Averted

 Well, it was bound to happen. I have a long term project that I fell WAY behind on. My mom passed and I just didn’t have the heart to continue since I knew her passing would play a big role in the finished product.

I want to enter it in the local fair in August so I thought I should pull it out and try and get my mojo back. 

WWWWeeeeeelllllllllll, unbeknownst to me, my pen had leaked something fierce and made its way to my fingers. Sooooooo while adding my icon to the project, I inadvertently smeared green gel pen on my fabric. Oh yeah, this here mama freaked.

A lot of scrubbing, soap, oxyclean spray, peroxide and rinsing commenced.

I have prevailed!!

Time to redraw the icons that rinsed off and get to stitching!!

                                              The smear

                                               All wet

                                                 All dry

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Finished project

Just finished a fun little project from cozyblue. 
It’s called ‘Guest House’ cute, fun little embroidery. 
It was a nice break from a long-term project and it’s fun to have a finish. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Still Stitching

 Yes, I'm still stitching.

Here is 2022 in stitches. 2023 isn't done. My mom got sick and passed very quickly and I just haven't been ready to document that in stitches, but I really need to.

Even braved entering my working at the fair.

It was awesome!!

Is blogging still a thing?

Long time, no blog.


Well, to shorten a painfully long story:

got a new phone

updated new phone

it gave me a new google account I didn't want or ask for

new account took all my info

couldn't get pics and info back to the correct account

google was zero help

blog pics will be spotty until I can figure a way to locate the pics

it's been 5 years, it ain't looking good.

I've had to update like crazy just to sign on.


Should I start blogging again?

Do people still read these things?

Keep it one topic, like sewing, or just go all over the place?

Should I just bag this one and start anew?

If you're out there, say hey!
