Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Vintage Sewing Surprise!

My hubs does a little yard work for an older couple. Well, Ms. Betty is going through her stuff and thinning it out. (don't get me started on the stash of vintage aprons that the hubs found out she gave away before she knew I sewed..sniff, sniff) She sent a couple of books my of which is a treasure!! It has everything in it....seriously...ev-ry-thing!

This is the 1957 publication.

Tons of info...tons

Free '57? Awesome!!

High end sewing



Home Dec


Details from the Zipper and notions booklet. 
No date, but probably about the same time since it was stuck into the singer book.

How fun is this!!! I can't wait to compare it to some books that I already have. I am betting that other than dated pictures, it is still more than relevant!!

Do you have a favorite sewing reference book? Your go-to resource? can never, ever have enough knowledge!!


  1. My "go-to resource" just went to Germany for the summer :) Don't you just love it when hubbies bring home fun stuff?.....instead of say.....a spider in a jar just to show you how big it is?

  2. I always hear of Mary Brooks Picken spoken of with reverence in the sewing world. How great to get her book!

  3. How fun to go through and many of these old books are still very good at teaching us!
