Friday, September 16, 2011

Craft it forward surprise!!!

I joined the craft it forward bandwagon awhile back...I have two more to send out and not much more time to do it. Well, my little pressie arrived today. 
My friend Polly went above and beyond, let me tell you!!! Better yet, let me show you:

A mug rug, the extra fabric (aprons!) a mug, 4, four, (did I say 4?) different kinds of her homemade cookies packaged all pretty like. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!

Close up of the mug rug. A crazy part( see the pieced mug!!),
a dress form part and a chocolate part, 
and on the back, an apron part..........all soooooooo moi!
You can't hardly tell from the pic, but she highlighted a lot of the fabric with embroidery!!
See the steam rising from the mug?
Thank you, thank you, thank you Polly!!! It's way past fab!