Friday, September 10, 2010

Which one do I make?? Decisions, decisions........

I want a new regency corset.   I made The one from the Mantua maker, but that 14" wooden busk is a killer and I made the bust gussets a little to deep so I don't have the right kind of "shelf" that looks right with the dress I have. I am hoping to be part of  Jane Austen Celebration and fashion show on October 24 How Austentatious!
These are my two choices and I can get into the corset myself instead of being bound in by someone else. LOL That would be handy and a half.
daffodown dilly pattern
past  patterns
mantua maker that I made


  1. I like the first one but the second one looks more project!

  2. I have the second one, but love the ease of the first one. Both are made from extant garments so they are period correct.
