Wednesday, April 6, 2011

To blog or not to blog, that is the question.

Alas poor Yorick, I knew him, Horatio.
"Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows......." ooops!  I ain't no Shakespeare! LOL
I haven't really decided what I want my blog to be. 
Just a conglomeration of my daily life or strictly sewing.
Do I want to have specific themes like Wacky Wednesday, Sewn on Saturday or some such nonsense?
Do I want a separate blog page(s) for sewing? Cooking? Griping? Rambling? ( like now. lol)

Readers, what do you think?  
What tickles your reading fancy?
What makes you tune in to my blog? It's still in its infancy and I believe I am ready to take the leap into toddlerhood.

Until then, I will keep on posting as the mood strikes me; letting my flights of fancy take me where e're the winds blow. Waxing poetic or waning to the trashier side of my personality. Why do I get the feeling that trashier is funner? LOL



  1. I enjoy reading your blog because it represents YOU in all your glory. Sewing, rambling, whatever :) For me personally, I get annoyed by blogs that are more like a business than a personal story. But that's just me...and what do I know?

  2. The only business around here is monkey business!! :-)
    I'm trying to find a background that is me, but subtle enough to not distract from my pics and writings. I have not yet succeeded, but I will prevail. (standing regally with my fist in the air)

  3. Found your blog tonight and am enjoying that there is so much to read. There's a little bit of everything. Looking at your blogosphere, I'm thinking this is the direction my blog is seeming to be taking. I've tried directing it, only to have it completely disintigrate and have to start over. I'm at the starting over with an old blog area.

    Enough of my ramblings. Guess I'm saying that your blog should direct you and it seems to want to offer more than one topic.

  4. Ramble away Carmen!! I love getting comments!
